Business Development

An easement is, simply put, a right to enter or otherwise use someone else’s land for a specified purpose.  Stated another way, but with slightly more pretention for effect; an easement is a nonpossessory right to use and/or enter onto the real property of another without possessing it.  As you might imagine, merely labeling something...

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Businesses can be categorized by law in several manners. And these classifications matter when it comes to determining how a business is recognized, how it’s taxed, and the personal liability, or lack thereof, of the business owners. Knowing how their business is set up and how it is categorized under the law is crucial for...

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The White House recently announced the lifting of the travel ban, which has barred tens of thousands of foreign travelers from entering the U.S.  Instead, the U.S. will require foreign travelers to provide proof of vaccination prior to departure. Our original article on this can be found at: https://patel-law-group.local/biden-administration-to-lift-travel-ban-and-allow-vaccinated-travelers-to-enter-the-u-s/ Further details of the new travel...

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This article goes over the basic information about what a PPM is, when and why you may need one.  This information is being provided as a general overview and a basic education of the common terms and federal securities laws involved with a PPM.  Each state has its own securities laws and the discussion in...

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For the past 18 months, COVID-19 had wreaked havoc all over the world and has limited the entry of certain travelers into the U.S. With Consulate closures and travel bans, entering the U.S. has been particularly difficult for non-immigrants, especially those who require visa stamping. With limited appointments available and often the need to apply...

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Hotel investors typically have two paths to take ownership of a hotel asset: Build or Buy. In my experience as a hospitality and transactional attorney, I have learned that those that build (via ground-up new construction or re-development of an existing asset) generally prefer to build a hotel asset over buying an existing asset for...

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Despite a more favorable Immigration climate under the new administration, President Biden has issued a proclamation that will restrict most travel from India to the US. This proclamation is effective 12.01 am May 4, 2021. In the proclamation, it is stated that India accounts for over one-third of new global COVID-19 cases and the number...

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Although it has been more than a year since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic travel restrictions continue and the ability of Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR) to return to the U.S. in a timely manner are still impacted. Although called Permanent Lawful Status it is anything other than Permanent, especially for those who remain outside...

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