Business Transactions

As with most legal concepts, the question of real estate ownership is not simply a yes or no proposition – like cakes and onions, the answer has layers.  Specifically, the various rights accompanying real property ownership can vary in kind, degree, and duration, and include – but are most certainly not limited to – the...

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This article goes over the basic information about what a PPM is, when and why you may need one.  This information is being provided as a general overview and a basic education of the common terms and federal securities laws involved with a PPM.  Each state has its own securities laws and the discussion in...

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Hotel investors typically have two paths to take ownership of a hotel asset: Build or Buy. In my experience as a hospitality and transactional attorney, I have learned that those that build (via ground-up new construction or re-development of an existing asset) generally prefer to build a hotel asset over buying an existing asset for...

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In my previous article, I discussed the importance of a lease review. The lease agreement is the binding agreement between the Lessor and Lessee and many important considerations exist. In most leases, the Lessor-Lessee relationship is known as the Landlord-Tenant relationship. There are many important considerations when reviewing a lease.  A few additional items we...

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The lease agreement is the binding agreement between the Lessor and Lessee. In most leases, the Lessor-Lessee relationship is known as the Landlord-Tenant relationship.  Leases are common in almost every industry as business owners often lease space to operate his or her business. The lease agreement details the terms both parties are agreeing to and...

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