H-1B LLC Owner

Posted on Jun 18, 2024 by Chris Prescott

Permitted Activities on H-1B Status While Being a Member of a Multi-Owner LLC

The H-1B visa is a non-immigrant visa category that allows U.S. employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. This visa is highly sought after by skilled professionals from around the world, as it provides a pathway to work and potentially pursue permanent residency in the United States. However, it is crucial for H-1B visa holders to understand the limitations and restrictions associated with their status, particularly when it comes to engaging in additional business activities or ventures.

Membership in a multi-Owner LLC.

When an H-1B visa holder is also a member of a multi-owner limited liability company (LLC), it raises concerns regarding the potential for self-employment or independent contractor activities. LLCs are a popular business structure that provides liability protection and tax benefits, but they can also blur the lines between employment and self-employment.

However, it is essential to understand that any involvement in the management or operations of the multi-owner LLC that goes beyond a passive ownership interest could potentially be viewed as self-employment or independent contractor work, which would violate the terms of the H-1B visa. This is a complex area of immigration law, and it is crucial to seek professional guidance to ensure compliance.

Permitted Activities While Being a Member of a Multi-Owner LLC

There are certain activities that an H-1B visa holder may be able to engage in while being a member of a multi-owner LLC without violating their status. However, it is essential to exercise caution and seek professional legal advice to ensure compliance with H-1B requirements.



Here are some potential permitted activities:

  1. Passive Ownership Interest

If the H-1B visa holder holds a very minor, passive interest in the multi-owner LLC without any management role or day-to-day involvement, this may be permissible. However, it is crucial to ensure that the ownership interest does not result in any self-employment income or activities that could be construed as independent contractor work.

Passive ownership generally refers to holding an equity stake in the LLC without actively participating in the management or operations of the business. The H-1B visa holder should not be involved in decision-making, supervising employees, or executing business transactions on behalf of the LLC. Their role should be limited to receiving periodic distributions or dividends from the LLC based on their ownership percentage.

  1. Dividends and Distributions

Receiving dividends, distributions, or other payments from the multi-owner LLC as a result of the ownership interest may be acceptable, as long as these payments are not considered self-employment income. It is advisable to consult with an immigration attorney and tax professional to ensure that the payments are properly classified and reported.

Dividends and distributions are typically taxed differently than self-employment income, and they may be allowed as long as the H-1B visa holder is not actively engaged in the day-to-day operations or management of the LLC. It is essential to maintain clear documentation and records to demonstrate the passive nature of the ownership interest and the resulting payments.

  1. Limited Role in LLC Management

In some cases, an H-1B visa holder may be able to have a limited role in the management or decision-making processes of the multi-owner LLC, provided that this role does not interfere with their primary employment with the sponsoring H-1B petitioning company. However, it is crucial to ensure that the H-1B visa holder’s involvement does not rise to the level of day-to-day management or operations, which could be considered impermissible self-employment.

Any management role or involvement in LLC’s operations should be minimal and strictly limited to high-level strategic decisions or oversight. The H-1B visa holder should not be actively engaged in executing business transactions, supervising employees, or carrying out routine operational tasks for the LLC. It is advisable to consult with an immigration attorney to determine the permissible scope of such a limited management role.

Even simple tasks such as issuing payment to a vendor would be considered unauthorized employment.   

Importance of Seeking Professional Advice

It is essential to consult with an experienced immigration attorney before engaging in any activities related to a multi-owner LLC while on H-1B status. The consequences of violating the terms of the H-1B visa can be severe, including accrual of unlawful presence, potential issues with maintaining valid status, and potential ineligibility for future immigration benefits.


It is crucial for H-1B visa holders to understand the limitations and restrictions associated with their status, particularly when it comes to engaging in additional business activities or ventures. Passive ownership, where one hold equity without direct involvement in management, is acceptable.  Their role should be limited to receiving distributions and dividends in the same way that someone buys stocks.  Even minor actions like writing checks can jeopardize someone’s H-1B status. 

If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact PLG Partner, Chris Prescott at cprescott@patellegal.com.